Friday, January 16, 2009

Get - Episode 11

It's all about evolution!

Welcome to episode 11!

In this episode we hear from the righteous babe herself, Ani Difranco, this "Evolve" is from her album "Evolve".

pictured: The Mermaid's Angel - Silk Painting , Kathy Crabbe, Soul Reader, At Night Karya Dreams Wings (Lefty Card)

I also interview artist and soul reader Kathy Crabbe from Above are samples of Kathy's wonderful artwork. Be sure to check out Kathy's Etsy store at, Kathy is also a member of the Pagans of Etsy street team.

Kathy is having a giveaway on her blog:
January Celtic Mermaid Print Giveaway: Sign up for the New Moon Newsletter for your chance to win at Up for grabs is the lovely "Silkie" - A Celtic Mermaid Print. Check it out here.

I share my experience doing a 5 day juice fast and cleanse as part of my first steps to health and well being and I ramble a bit about my evolution

I also revisit episode 1 and take on the topic of ritual where I discuss etiquette and structure.

I go over a bit about using spellwork to release things from you life

The link to my blog which is documenting my journey to health and wellness (and other natural stuff too) is here. Feel free to keep up with the my evolution.

Thanks for tuning in!


Kathryn V. Crabbe said...

Oseaana, The interview sounds just great! Thank you for being such a professional and talented interviewer - You are great! I'm promoting you all over the place!

Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe

nefaeria said...

Hello Oseaana,

I’m a first time listener to your podcast, and I found it through the Pagans of Etsy blog.

The interview with Kathy was great, and you have a good mix of subject matter.

I am so angry about the story of the woman in California who was gang raped and battered simply for being a Lesbian. It blows my mind that these kinds of things can happen still in a so-called ‘free and civilized’ society.

You had asked for people’s stances on cursing, so I thought that I would add my two cents.

I am of the mind that it is perfectly acceptable to blast someone in certain situations. To me it is not something to be taken lightly, and although I do not personally adhere to the Three-fold Law, I still think that there can be repercussions if you do it for trivial reasons or if you don’t know what you are doing.

I would only use it as a last resort, or for protection—in this case you can just send the nastiness back to the return address—with the understanding that it still may affect me somehow.

Thanks for doing this awesome podcast, and I look forward to future ones. In the meantime I will check out your past shows.

SlĂ inte!
